The Spam Museum (Austin, Minnesota)
Austin, Minnesota is home to a special museum dedicated to one particular brand of canned precooked meat. The museum’s first home at Austin’s Oak Park Mall opened as the Hormel Foods First Century Museum in …
Austin, Minnesota is home to a special museum dedicated to one particular brand of canned precooked meat. The museum’s first home at Austin’s Oak Park Mall opened as the Hormel Foods First Century Museum in …
Based on the 1642 design of Florentine gun maker Antonia Petrini, this civil war era double-barreled cannon was (just like the Confederate States) a colossal failure based on ignorance. The American Civil War saw quite …
They say that the time to buy a taxidermy squirrel is when you see it, not when you need it. It just so happens that a little museum in Torrington, Alberta is living by that …
In 1993 when a dirty and slightly more than disheveled dog made his way to the town of Rockford, Alabama, it could have ended in a number of ways. The local dog catcher could have …
Storelgen, more commonly known as the Big Elk, is despite its 34 feet of height, not the world’s largest sculpture of a moose. Though it briefly held that title, it is currently outpaced by only …
The Torture Museum in Amsterdam is one of the most popular attractions in the city and proudly displays the rusted metal and rotting wood of ancient torture devices used in a time when justice was …
Designed by John Gilleland of Athens, Georgia, the Athens’ Double-Barreled Cannon is a one of a kind relic from the Civil War. The concept behind the 1863 cannon was that two small cannon balls connected …
Weighing in at more that a ton, the World’s Largest Boot, known to Red Wing Shoes as The Big Boot, is a roadside attraction and creative advertising addition to the Red Wing Shoe Store & …
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