Los Arcos del Tercer Milenio (The 3rd Millennium Arches), more commonly known as Arcos del Milenio (The Millennium Arches) is an architectural work/art instillation in Colonia Jardines del Bosque in the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco, in western Mexico. This roadside attraction is unlike anything else in Mexico and though it is already quite large, it is still far from finished. final The project plans for six giant yellow metal arches located between Avenida Mariano Otero and Lazaro Cardenas. Originally intended to be unveiled at the turn of the 21st century, the project has gone way, way over budget, and because of the constantly increasing cost has taken almost two decades longer to complete that planned.
Designed by Mexican artist Sebastián, known for his large metal and concrete sculptures in Mexico and around the world, The Millennium Arches in Guadalajara, Mexico is an art project bringing something to a city that has been without any art pieces since the 1960s. Each of the steel arches is slightly larger than the previous and the twisting and turning design of the art project gives an impression that they are growing from one another in an organic and natural way. The first of the three arches were installed with a special budget from the city of Guadalajara, but since it went so far over budget it was determined that the remaining arches would be funded with private funds instead of the public treasury.
Sebastián, born Enrique Carbajal González has been working in the medium of giant sculpture since the 1960s. Preferring to have his artwork placed in city centers, he has more than 200 sculptures in cities around the world. His sculpture combine the natural turns and smooth edges seen in nature with hard metal surfaces of construction projects, and the final products of his artwork often become important focal points for whatever city they may reside.
The Millennium Arches Facts.
- The current height is 52 meters and includes more than 1,500 tons of yellow painted steel.
- The sculpture project was approved by the City of Guadalajara in July 1999.
- In 2005, Guadalajara City Council approved the opening of a bank account for private donations to complete the arches.In 2001
- The bodies of 26 murder victims were once left by drug cartels under the arches.