There are more famous leaning towers in the world, but very few of them are in the United States and fewer of them still in Texas. The Leaning Tower of Britten was purchased with the intent of it becoming an actual water tower but it was never used for that purpose. Instead it has stood leaning just off of the freeway in Groom, Texas proudly advertising the Britten family’s ranching and farming expertise.
The water tower was purchased by Ralph Britten at auction but it was never able to pass city codes. Since he had a water tower and couldn’t use it he instead decided to place it near the family truck stop and restaurant. Since it was installed the restaurant and truck stop have burned down and been replaced with an auto shop.
The Leaning Tower of Britten stands at a roughly 10% angle and was placed this way on purpose. There is a small gravel road for parking and taking pictures if you want to stop by and take a peak.