Linking the neighborhoods of Cabbagetown and Inman Park in Atlanta, Georgia, the Krog Street Tunnel is a highly traveled, short underpass well-known for its street art. While it’s not particularly difficult to find a bridge or tunnel in any city that’s filled with graffiti, this little tunnel has is special because it showcases a constantly changing collection that shares more information, both culturally and politically than any current events magazine is likely to have. With graffiti ranging from small tags written in marker to giant murals artistically sprayed from Krylon cans, the concrete pillars and walls have everything from concert and chili cook-off locations to the occasional wedding proposal.
The Krog Street Tunnel is so constantly changing that there are websites dedicated to chronicling the information and art shared for the public to enjoy. While it is technically illegal to leave your mark on the walls of the Krog Street Tunnel, it is decriminalized to the point that police may just drive by if they have better things to do, which in Atlanta they generally do.
Reasons to Visit
- With Atlanta’s crazy traffic it might just be on the way.
- It’s near the Krog Street Market and they have ice cream.
- It’s a great place to see free art curated by locals with something to say.
- The photos are always great and there is a better than likely chance you will see someone taking engagement photos or filming a music video.
- There is always new artwork and it’s not something you are likely to see in a gallery (although much of it is gallery quality).
- The information about upcoming events in the neighborhood are better and more up to date than the newspaper.