Built in 1797, the historic Cashtown Inn is a bed & breakfast in Cashtown, Pennsylvania. Located just 8 miles from Gettysburg, the Cashtown Inn served as headquarters for many Confederate officers during the Gettysbuyg Campaign. Standing on the porch of the Cashtown Inn it is easy to let your mind slip to the mid-1860s, when Confederate troops filled the roadway and the Rebel Army walked across the forested ridgeline.
The city of Cashtown was previously known as little more than crossroads village, but when the first innkeeper, Peter Marck, required cash payments for any goods he sold the area was referred to as Cashtown. The Inn, officially opened in 1815, now has four guest rooms and three suites.
While several Confederate Generals stayed in the Inn, the basement served as a makeshift field hospital where gruesome surgeries including amputations took place. It is said that so many amputations were performed here that the discarded limbs were piled high enough to block sunlight from entering the cellar windows.
The 1948 construction of a bypass on the Lincoln Highway (Route 30) relegated the Cashtown Inn to the sites only seen by those traveling off the beaten path. The Inn fell into serious disrepair and only survived because of the efforts of Charles and Carolyn Buckley. The Buckleys sold the property in 2006 and major structural renovations were undertaken. The history of what was once essentially a battlefield oasis can now be enjoyed without the sounds of cannon fire. The kitchen at the Cashtown Inn has focused on American cuisine for several years now and the original Tavern Room (circa 1797) serves as a Victorian dining room.