Tombstones dedicated to dogs are few and far between, and tombstones dedicated to handicapped dogs on internationally renown college campuses are even more difficult to come by. This unique combination is only part of what makes the marker to Sideways the dog even more spectacular.
Sideways was a black and white terror that was permanently handicapped and walked with a severe limp. Due to her off-centered gait she earned the fitting moniker and the adoration of many Georgia Tech students in the 1940’s. Known to roam from class to class and dorm to dorm, it is said that she was most commonly found hanging out around the Brittain Dining Hall where she was often rewarded for her attendance with treats.
Sideways passed away as the result of eating poison intended to kill rates in one of the dorms and was buried on the grounds near the southeast corner of Tech Tower. Her final resting place is marked with a plaque with her image that reads “Sideways. Ever faithful and true. Companion of student body of Ga. Tech.” In true Sideways fashion, the headstone was turned to be slightly off-center just like she was.