The Plains Train Depot (Plains, Georgia)
The Plains Train Depot, more commonly just known as the Plains Depot is the oldest building in Plains, Georgia and served the community of Plains as a freight and passenger depot until 1951 when passenger …
The Plains Train Depot, more commonly just known as the Plains Depot is the oldest building in Plains, Georgia and served the community of Plains as a freight and passenger depot until 1951 when passenger …
In the late 1970s, a one-term Georgia governor from the small rural southern town of Plains, Georgia, decided to take his particular style of politics to the national stage. The little-known peanut farmer had so …
Colorado was established as a state on August 1, 1876, and the Buckhorn Exchange was pretty much there since the beginning. Officially founded in 1893 by Henry H. “Shorty Scout” Zietz, arguably one of the …
Built between 1386 and 1392, the Wells Cathedral Clock is unique for its distinct two faces, one inside the cathedral, and one outside. The two dramatically different faces were constructed roughly 70 years apart (the …
Most hourglasses are purely decorative, or have over time become toys that somehow offer endless distraction for bored grandchildren. Időkerék, or as it’s known to us English speakers, The Timewheel is something else entirely. Made …
A feat of engineering ingenuity used to raise or lower trains in elevation over a short distance, the Tehachapi Loop was completed in 1876 and virtually unchanged is still used today. The 0.73 mile (1.17 …
Anybody that has spent time in a small town knows that directions are often given by landmarks rather than streets. Bakersfield, California, despite having a population greater than Iceland is not unlike many other small …
Around the world there are places more steeped in history that Winnsboro, South Carolina. And there are unique aspects of thousands of cities that make them more unique and historically more important. There is one …
Built slightly after the heyday of American Roadside Attractions, the Blue Whale of Catoosa has nonetheless become one of the most popular and recognizable sites along Historic Route 66. Built in 1972 by Hugh Davis …
In 1849, during the height of the California Gold Rush, a Croatian immigrant opened the New World Coffee Saloon on Commercial Street. Like the Original Starbucks in Seattle, the coffee saloon it soon eclipsed its …
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